Links |
- PhD Comics: A Web comic about life in graduate school. Funny and often very true.
- XKCD: Another Web comic I like.
- The RISKS Digest: Weekly (or more frequent) summary of computer-related risks to the public, mostly caused by designers and developers (and customers, too) who don't think hard enough about security and safety. Sometimes funny; sometimes rage-inducing. Important reading for those of us who want to see technology used responsibly.
- Hacker News: Community-moderated news site with news and discussions about technology and anything "that good hackers would find interesting" (where "hacker" means "clever technical problem-solver", not "person who cracks into systems that they're not authorized to access"). The comments are usually as good as, or better than, the posted links. A daily read for me.
- rachelbythebay : Writing: Stories from an experienced system administrator who has worked in Silicon Valley for many years. Entertaining and informative, especially if you're interested in DevOps, just Ops, or IT work in general. Not much about software development here.
- The Jargon Lexicon: An extensive dictionary of hacker slang. Useful for understanding tech people's jokes, and as a window into the history of the field.
- "Subject to Change" (Barbara Fister, Library Babelfish blog): "All of the technology we depend on is fragile. [...] As we go about our digital days, hooked on digital devices, it’s something to think about. What’s our plan B?" (This is why I use Google Maps, but not Google navigation.)
- Mental Health Guide for Autistic College Students, funded by the Organization for Autism Research. Posted in case you find these tips helpful. The UW-Whitewater Center for Students with Disabilities can help you with accommodations for autism, ADHD, other kinds of neurodivergence, or any other disabilities you may have.
- College radio stations I like: KURE (Iowa State), WSUW "The Edge" (UW-Whitewater), WSUM "The Snake on the Lake" (UW-Madison)